谁是企业移动? 通过我们全球团队成员的声音, 发现一个充满社区的组织, 机会, BET9九州体育娱乐入口和, 最重要的是, 机动性——我们所做的一切.
随着BET9官方APP下载的发展,我们也在发展. What started with a fleet of just seven cars more than six decades ago has since expanded into a global network of mobility solutions including car rental, 车队管理, 灵活车辆租赁, 车, 中型客运共乘, 汽车销售, 车租赁, 车辆订阅, 奢侈品租赁, 技术解决方案等.
So how do we deliver on our vision to be the world’s best and most trusted mobility company? 通过倾听并超越客户和员工的期望. 通过提供各种各样的运输解决方案. 通过提供良好的工作环境和职业发展. 通过共同努力,充分发挥我们的潜力. And by being a responsible corporate citizen in the communities where we live and work. We evaluate our success based on quality relationships and a high level of customer service.
Jack Taylor didn't talk about founding values when he started the business in 1957. 他和他的团队就这样活了下来. But the values that resulted in their daily interactions with customers and one another have been the foundation for Enterprise’s growth and success for more than six decades.
杰克的创业理念是:“把客户和员工放在第一位。, and everything else will follow” continues to be instrumental to our success. The founding values listed below drive us on a regular basis and hold us accountable every day.
作为我们组织在数千个社区的个人形象, local employees demonstrate our commitment to the highest ethical standards. 我们建立忠诚, long-term relationships with customers and neighbors by treating them fairly, 满足他们的需求,赢得他们的信任. These relationships, sustained by personal honesty and integrity, are the foundation of our success.
We maintain an uncompromising commitment to customer service across each of our service brands, 从我们对客户完全满意的关注, to directly linking career advancement opportunities to the actual level of service we provide. 我们的目标简单而有力:超越每一位客户的期望.
我们努力工作以实现成长和成功的目标. 但我们同样努力工作,以保持工作场所的愉快. 在他退出日常管理几十年后, 我们已故的创始人杰克·泰勒还在用这个问题问候员工, “你玩得开心吗?" We are known for our enthusiasm, high energy, healthy competitive drive and team spirit. 随着我们的不断发展, we understand we can best fuel our collective success with a workforce that is upbeat, 积极进取,高度致力于彼此的成功.
Learning how to run a successful business from the ground up and delivering a high standard of service demands a deep personal commitment from each employee. But Enterprise Mobility is also a true meritocracy that rewards this commitment personally, professionally and financially by providing employees with ample opportunities for growth. That makes our organization a great fit for career-minded individuals who take real ownership of, 和责任, 他们的目标和抱负.
We have learned that when we truly listen to customers and understand their needs, 他们引导我们找到机会——从小事做起,更好地为他们服务, to new lines of business that open up exciting growth prospects for our business. 我们也会认真倾听彼此. Day-to-day, face-to-face, listening leads us to working more effectively together. 企业移动性, we understand that an open and respectful exchange of ideas is critical to maintaining our high standards for service and personal success.
我们的组织在成千上万的社区都有存在, placing us on a first-name basis with the people who call those communities home. 我们大量采购车辆, 通过销售和就业创造税收, create meaningful jobs that generate significant income and benefits for employees and their families and much more. We realize we owe our success to the support and goodwill of the people who live in those communities and who do business with us. That's why we are committed to involving ourselves in the support of worthwhile endeavors wherever we operate our businesses, 从当地社区到最大的城市,以及两者之间的任何地方.
We reach out to people of all backgrounds — in serving existing customers and winning new ones, 在发展现有员工和吸引新人才方面, and in identifying and employing a diverse range of suppliers and service providers. 我们致力于成为一个多元化的, 公平和包容的组织延伸到每一位员工, 客户和业务合作伙伴. We value the many differences that make each of us unique and know that these differences help to advance our success. Simply put, we want to nurture a business environment that is responsive to all.